Thursday, April 19, 2012

Shared Grief is Half the Grief

     Shared the news with my students yesterday. It was more difficult NOT to tell them. Since my students are a large part of my life, and breast cancer now IS my life, I needed to combine the two. It is still hard to let the words "breast cancer" out of my mouth because everytime I say it, I know it's true and not some horrible nightmare. Although it does get a little easier with the telling because I can feel the love. ( cue the sappy music!)
     I spoke with the sophmores first. Most of these students are on their second round of literature with me. We have a unique relationship! After the shock wore off, I told them about the specifics of the surgery and the after effects. They are an amazing group and the love and support they demonstrated will definitely carry me through. Love you guys! The slogans and "boob" jokes kept me laughing all day.
     My freshmen are very caring and supportive, too. I've recieved many emails to that effect. At least we have Romeo and Juliet to see us through to the end of school. 
     The crazy part is the number of students that raised their hands when I asked how many of them have someone in their family who has been diagnosed with breast cancer. It is the plague of our nation.
     Everything is at a standstill for now. My next appointments will begin May 1. We have to be at Mayo at the ungodly hour of  6:40am for lab work - 9:45 is the MRI - 1:40 is the meeting with the surgeon - 3:30 is the meeting with the plastic surgeon - and finally on May 2 at 3:00, we meet with the oncologist. Whew!
    Jarret and I are spending Monday and Tuesday nights in Jacksonville to save on gas and time. We'll get to spend time with the grand babies!
     It looks like my surgery will be sometime in the middle of June.

Have a great day everyone. Ya'll are like a good bra - very supportive! 


  1. Love you Mrs. Cox and I can't wait for 4th block tomorrow! (:
    - Julia
