Getting up at 4:30 in the morning after not having slept very well is just the way to begin a terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad day. To make matters worse, I couldn't eat or have anything to drink, especially COFFEE!
After driving for the now familiar hour and a half, we arrived at Mayo, and as usual, didn't have to wait long for my first appointment at 7:00 - an EKG followed by an echo cardiogram. Piece of cake. The last piece of cake I'd be having that terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad day!
My next appointment was supposed to be the blood draw at 10:30, but because of a mix up, it didn't happen until around 11:00 which was when I was scheduled to register for my port insertion which was supposed to take place around 1:00. Needless to say, by the time they called me back to take my blood after not having anything to drink or eat since 9:00 the previous night my blood sugar was at an all time low and my anxiety level was off the chart.
Unfortunately I inherited Dad's vascular system. When my veins hear the words "blood draw" you'd think they were playing dodge ball - DUCK, DODGE, DIVE, STOP -DROP - ROLL! Getting blood from me is like trying to stick wriggling snakes with a spear! Here's one! Nope! Over here! Got it! Uh, no, let's try again. I'll spare you the details; let's just say almost passing out will get you the best phlebotomist in the place.
After that little incident, the nurses wouldn't let me walk, so Jarret had the pleasure of toodling me around in a wheel chair. Next stop - out-patient surgery for the putting in of the port. You'll have to pardon the prolific use of alliteration. It can't be avoided!
For the insertion of the port, I'm in my jeans, a hospital gown, and a pair of those way cool hospital socks with the rubber things on the bottom. Still nothing to eat or drink, and after the previous fiasco I'm wishing for a Xanax! The thought of another needle stick was seriously freaking me out. I told the nurse about it, and he put the IV line in my hand instead of my arm. He was good!
By this time Jarret was with me and we were introduced to everyone who was going to be involved in the procedure - Cheryl - the lady who explained the features of the "purple power port," Dr. ? - doing the actual surgery, and my favorite, Kim - my bartender, the awesome nurse in charge of making sure I felt NO PAIN!
Long story short: Surgery went well. Port is just under my left collar bone. It's subcutaneous, nothing sticking out of my skin. Now I can receive meds and they can take blood without sticking my arm! Let's hear it for modern science! I will, however, set off metal detectors, so I have a card for my wallet, an ID for my key chain, and a cool rubber bracelet for my arm that explains everything.
And that is the end of Susan's terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad day!