Saturday, June 2, 2012

Back Home!

     I am back home! Mayo is awesome, but as Dorothy says in The Wizard of Oz, "There's no place like home!" Thanks to everyone who has been praying, meditating, chanting, sending good vibes. I posted on Facebook that I feel as if I'm floating in a bubble of peace. No negative thoughts can pierce it. It's an incredible feeling!
     No cancer in the lymph nodes! That means no radiation! Yay! Pain is manageable with the right meds. Definite owies in the chest area. Arms are definitely affected. Difficulty lifting them and cross-lateral movement is a BIG no no! Little pillows are my best friends right now - under my elbows. All those lunges and squats are coming in handy when I have to get up. Push up with the legs!
     Unwrapped the compression bandage around my chest this morning. I was apprehensive about my appearance, but guess what? Not that bad! I mean, no breasts, but hey, alive here! I am definitely more than a pair of boobs! And it only gets better. Reconstruction here I come!
     Who knew that taking a shower would be equivalent to an obstacle at Tough Mudder! Hooah!
Of course I couldn't do anything without Jarret! This is when the fine print on the marriage vows kicks in. He is totally amazing - from emptying my drains (eww) to fixing my food to keeping up my spirits. I love him! Lots!
     Our neighbors are the best in the world! They have mowed our lawn, brought us food, and given support when needed.
     I can't say enough about my family! Jarret and I come from good stock! Love you guys!
     Feeling the twinges that I've slightly over done it - who knew typing could be so exhausting!

Signing off.

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